Elgin Branch

62 High Street
Elgin, Moray
IV30 1BU
t: 01343 610520
e: info@cclproperty.com

Edinburgh Branch

Third floor,
3 Hill Street, New Town
t: 0131 605 1969
e: info@cclproperty.com

Glasgow Branch

Technology House
9 Newton Place, Glasgow
G3 7PR
t: 0141 459 0969
e: info@cclproperty.com


t: 0163 125 0969
e: info@cclproperty.com

Our Team of Experts

We aim to offer you a friendly and professional service. Our highly skilled team has over 100 years combined experience and has the drive, expertise and commitment to find a buyer for your business or home.

David Pickering MBA

David Pickering MBA

Commercial Director
Coralie Pickering MBA

Coralie Pickering MBA

Audrey Pope

Audrey Pope

Residential Property Manager
Kerry Kirk

Kerry Kirk

Sales Negotiator
Simon Barr

Simon Barr

Yasmine Pickering

Yasmine Pickering

Media Manager and Admin Support